Tami Sutcliffe:
Masters in Art History:

Completed Art History Coursework

HUX 570 -Contemporary Art: Exploration of Cubism, Expressionism, Dada/Surrealism, Pop Art, Conceptual Art and Technological Art.

HUX 576 - Ancient Mayan Art: An examination of the art and architecture of the Mayan civilization in Mesoamerica in the context of its history, mythology and archaeology.

ART 5036 Theories of Art. Theories of art and beauty in Western culture. Organized chronologically beginning with ancient and concluding with 19th and 20th Century theories.

HUX 502 - Artistic Literature To analyze and interpret literary form and content through study of the ideas and devices employed by selected artists in pursuit of their craft

HUX 504 - Defining the Humanities: Art This course provides a basic working vocabulary for dealing with the visual arts, and the achievement of a familiarity with some of the major theoretical approaches used in their study. The course's primary goal is the achievement of an ability to use these technical and theoretical tools to describe, investigate, and in general, to experience more deeply and significantly selected works of art.

HUX 540 - Evolution of Human Culture An examination of the nature of change and cultural unfolding, using the development of the city as a key concept, and looking into three representative types of cities: ancient, medieval, and modern.

HUX 544 - The Individual and Society Study of aesthetic theories that connect the artist with society

HUX 550 - Frank Lloyd Wright To acquaint students with the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, placing Wright's work within the general context of modern architecture, acquainting students with the architect's writings and examining Wright's philosophy as exemplified in his buildings, or, as the case may be, contradicted by his structures.

Undergraduate course work listed here:
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Last updated: March 2002